Oak Apple Farm
Oak Apple Eclipse

GOAT Stats
Oak Apple Eclipse
Proctor Hll Farm TO Go Daddy EEE 92 x Old Mountain Farm April 1st
Eclipse was a stunning kid, one of the bucks that was at the top of the 2016 kid crop, so got to keep his 'equipment'. We are glad that we kept him intact! His daughter by Oak Apple Ophelia 04-06 VEEE 90, Oak Apple Cassiopeia 04-06 EEEE 92, has been an exceptional doe. Eclipse now resides at Gabran Creek.
Oak Apple Eclipse side view
2021 photo courtesy Tanya Callison of Gabran Creek

Oak Apple Eclipse side view Oak Apple Eclipse side view

Oak Apple Eclipse Appraisal
Linear Appraisal
year age score comments
not appraised

Oak Apple Eclipse Offspring
Retained Offspring (or relevant)
born dam names
05/17/2017 Oak Apple Ophelia 04-06 VEEE 90 Oak Apple Cassiopeia 04-06 EEEE 92
Oak Apple Rondo

Oak Apple Eclipse Pedigree
Clicking on the pedigree image immediately below will lead to the ADGA genetics interactive pedigree.
Clicking on "Pedigree" title above or the pedigree image immediately below will lead to the ADGAgenetics interactive pedigree. POak Apple Eclipse pedigree