Oak Apple Farm
Muddy Rock Geronimo

Muddy Rock Geronimo Stats
Muddy Rock Geronimo
Laurel Haven Comanche x Muddy Rock Geronimo
Geronimo was purchased as an outcross buck. He has an interesting pedigree, linebred on GCH ++B Caesar's Villa STS Sharpie. He himself has decent structure--good width & good rump and shoulder structure. We are waiting to see how daughters freshen. If they look as good as we hope, we will take semen out ot the tank for more use.

Please scroll down to see pictures, linear appraisal scores, relevant progeny, and pedigree.
Muddy Rock Geronimo side view
Laurel Haven Comanche side view
sire - Laurel Haven Comanche
Muddy Rock Merlot side view
dam - Muddy Rock Merlot

Muddy Rock Geronimo Appraisal
Linear Appraisal
year age score comments
---- ----- ------- not appraised

Muddy Rock Geronimo Offspring
Retained Offspring (or relevant)
born dam sex names
05/02/2021 Oak Apple Lakmé doe Oak Apple Lenna
05/132021 Oak Apple Cayenne doe
Oak Apple Sandia
Oak Apple Zia

Muddy Rock Geronimo Pedigree
Clicking on the pedigree image below will lead to the ADGA Genetics interactive pedigree.
Muddy Rock Geronimo pedigree