Oak Apple Farm
Oak Apple Idomeneo

Oak Apple Idomeneo Stats
Oak Apple Idomeneo
Oak Apple Hector x SG Oak Apple Seria 3*M 02-02 +EEE 88
We were really impressed with Idomeneo and his brother Spartan, so we will be repeating a couple similar tight breedings this next year, with the intent of doing an outcross or looser line breeding to the result. It is a strategy that will be changed after we see what happens. 2019 photos are as good as we could do at the beginning of rut. Please scroll down to see pictures, linear appraisal scores, relevant progeny, and pedigree.
Oak Apple Idomeneo side view
Oak Apple Idomeneo side view Oak Apple Idomeneo rear view
2018 kid photo
side view
2018 kid photo

Oak Apple Idomeneo Appraisal
Linear Appraisal
year age score comments
---- ----- ------- not appraised

Oak Apple Idomeneo Offspring
Retained Offspring (or relevant)
born dam sex names
04/06/2019 Oak Apple MaryB 1*M 03-06 +V+V 85 buck
L34 Oak Apple Eddy Merkcx
L35 Oak Apple Martina
04/12/2019 Oak Apple Friska doe
L66 Oak Apple Joy
L67 Oak Apple Natasha
L68 unregistered buck
03/25/2020 Oak Apple Cadenza buck
due 2020 Oak Apple Cassiopeia

Oak Apple Idomeneo Pedigree
Clicking on the pedigree image below will lead to the ADGA Genetics interactive pedigree.
Oak Apple Idomeneo pedigree