Oak Apple Farm
Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle

Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle Stats
Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle
Oak Apple Eddy Merckx x SG Oak Apple Amelia 2*M 03-06 +EEV 85
If you look at Jimmy's full sister, Oak Apple Paloma, there will be no question why we are using Jimmy a lot this year (2022), and it is likely he will be used heavily in years to come. Young milking daughters have lovely udders, usually with exceptional teat placement. Jimmy himself is a lovely buck, with everything in the right place. He was a clearly a keeper from early on.

Please scroll down to see pictures, linear appraisal scores, relevant progeny, and pedigree.
Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle side view
Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle side view

Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle Appraisal
Linear Appraisal
year age score comments
---- ----- ------- not appraised

Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle Offspring
Retained Offspring (or relevant)
born dam sex names

Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle Pedigree
Clicking on the pedigree image below will lead to the ADGA Genetics interactive pedigree.
Oak Apple Jimmy Doolittle pedigree