Oak Apple Farm
Oak Apple Sambal

Oak Apple Sambal Stats
Oak Apple Sambal
Dragonfly CP Basbaas x Lost Valley MOS Rimona
A structurally correct and smaller doe; she is our first Basbaas daughter to freshen (a long story).

Please scroll down to see pictures, linear appraisal scores, progeny, milk production data (if available) and pedigree.
Oak Apple Sambal side view

Oak Apple Sambal Appraisal
Linear Appraisal
year age score comments
not fresh

Oak Apple Sambal Offspring
born sire sex kids
due 2024 Oak Apple Rodion

Oak Apple Sambal Milk Production
Milk Production
lactation age DIM milk # fat % fat # prot % prot # comments
not fresh

Oak Apple Sambal Pedigree
Clicking on the pedigree image below will lead to the ADGA genetics interactive pedigree.
Oak Apple Sambal pedigree