Oak Apple Farm
Piddlin Acres BRS Juke Box *B

Piddlin Acres BRS Juke Box Stats
Piddlin Acres BRS Juke Box *B
Piddlin Acres Bo's Rock Star x GCH Piddlin Acres SC Bobby Sox 1*M
Juke Box is a strong and correct buck. He is the son of Bobby Sox, a powerful doe with exceptional area of udder attachement. Our doe, Piddlin Acres W Taboo, is a granddaughter of Bobby Sox, and we love her udder as well as her daughters' udders. Please scroll down to see pictures, linear appraisal scores, relevant progeny, and pedigree.
Piddlin Acres BRS Juke Box side view Haycreeks Juke Box Twitter side view
Photos courtesy Andrea Strusz of Haycreek Farms. Second photo is of daughter, Haycreeks Juke Box Twitter, as a first freshener.

Piddlin Acres BRS Juke Box Offspring
Retained Offspring (or relevant)
born dam names
03/01/2017 SG Piddlin Acres W Taboo 07-10 VEEE 90 Oak Apple Audax
03/01/2017 SG Piddlin Acres W Taboo 07-10 VEEE 90 Oak Apple Pandora

Piddlin Acres BRS Juke Box Pedigree
Clicking on the pedigree image below will lead to the ADGA genetics interactive pedigree.
Piddlin Acres BRS Juke Box pedigree