Oak Apple Farm
Proctor Hll Farm TO Go Daddy EEE 92

Proctor Hll Farm TO Go Daddy Stats
Proctor Hll Farm TO Go Daddy EEE 92
Sugarcreek YO Toshiba x Sugarcreek WM You Tube VEEE 90
We have been incredibly lucky to be in a position to find such excellent foundation goats. Go Daddy is a prime example. We were fortunate enough to purchase GCH Camanna GD Moonlight Opera VEEE 90 from Anna Brown of Camanna's Petite Paradise as a wee kid. She grew up to the exceptional doe that she is, making me look at her parentage. Obviously, Sonata (Opera's dam) isn't going anywhere, but we were able to find Go Daddy at Tembi Buckingham's Sugar Pine Nigerians. The photo below unfortunately does not demonstrate his exceptional shoulder assembly. Unfortunately, Go Daddy became sterile and is now deceased. Please scroll down to see pictures, linear appraisal scores, relevant progeny, and pedigree.
side view
Go Daddy shortly after his arrival at Oak Apple Farm

Proctor Hll Farm TO Go Daddy Appraisal
Linear Appraisal
year age score comments
2014 04-06 EEE 92
2014 03-08 +EV 85

Proctor Hll Farm TO Go Daddy Offspring
Retained Offspring (or relevant)
born dam names
05/19/2012 CH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE 91 SGCH Camanna GD Moonlight Opera VEEE 90

Proctor Hill Farm TO Go Daddy Pedigree
Clicking on the pedigree image immediately below will lead to the ADGA genetics interactive pedigree.
Clicking on "Pedigree" title above or the pedigree image immediately below will lead to the ADGAgenetics interactive pedigree. Proctor Hll Farm TO Go Daddy pedigree