Oak Apple Farm
Oak Apple Mikado

Oak Apple Mikado Stats
Oak Apple Mikado
Proctor Hill Farm TO Go Daddy 04-06 EEE 92 x SG Old Mountain Farm Mizuki 4*M 07-05 V+EV 87
We are liking Mikado so far. He has Mizuki's strength plus a bit more angularity and length. He has some kids due in 2017. Please scroll down to see pictures, linear appraisal scores, progeny, and pedigree.
Oak Apple Mikado yearling
2016 yearling

Oak Apple Mikado Appraisal
Linear Appraisal
year age score comments
not appraised yet

Oak Apple Mikado Offspring
Retained Offspring (or of note)
born dam names
05/02/17 Oak Apple Seria Oak Apple Peep
Oak Apple Yum
Oak Apple Sing

Oak Apple Mikado Pedigree
Clicking on the pedigree image below will lead to the ADGA genetics interactive pedigree.
Oak Apple Mikado pedigree